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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  April 29, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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team collected for parking. the a's owe more than $7 million. according to this e-mail the team flatly rejected paying back taxes but said it would going forward. >> i don't know if that particular provision and the money associated with it is the sticking point because there are other provisions that we could get bogged down. >> also up for negotiations concessions. they would like a bigger cut. rent for office space and the a's want a new scoreboard. >> reporter: the negotiators say the team may be with helding as a negotiating -- holding as a negotiating tack -- tactic. christien kafton, ktvu channel 2 news. the summer fire season got an early start today with three
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reperate fires -- separate fires. cal fire says that fire was a- controlled burn that -- a controlled burn that got out of control. it burned 12 acres before it was brought under control about 2:00 p.m. in walnut career firefighters made quick work of a grass fire. the fire started after 9:00 a.m. near power lines. firefighters had the flames out 40 minutes later. there were no reports of damage. investigators suspect electrical equipment started the fire. in south san jose it took firefighters an hour to contain a grass fire that burned a half acre near the golf course. the fire started about 1:00 p.m. a spokesperson said there was no injuries or damage. this week's heat wave
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prompted a burn ban. the ban is enforced in incorporated areas. any vegetation burning in the areas will need a special permit although camp fires are still allowed in designated campground. not everyone was fighting the heat today. swimmers swam their laps without worrying about getting chills when they got out. it looked like a good place to be today to beat the heat. >> the heat and how hot it got today. our chief meteorologist bill martin joins us now with the day's top temperatures. >> temperatures into the low 90s in the warmest spots and we have the red flag warning that goes into effect late tomorrow afternoon, over night wednesday and wednesday afternoon. here is the areas of concern. red flag warning in the hills.
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livermore valley, mission peak, red flag warning as well. and wind advisory goes into effect wednesday at noon. temperatures, it was very, very warm today. 90 right now. these are the current temperatures. 90 in antioch. 89 fairfield. 71 in oakland. 72 mountain view. here is the thing i know, no fog along the coast. winds clock around out of the north and temperatures begin to warm again tomorrow. when i come back i will have the highs for tomorrow, highs today and more about the fire danger that will stick with us. we will see you back here. dna testing is underway to try to find out who stabbed an 8-year-old girl to death inside eher home. -- inside her home. ktvu's noelle walker is live where a man hunt is underway.
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>> reporter: it is all anyone can think about here. you will find these purple ribbons tied all over valley springs in memory of a little girl. >> pink and purple are a little girl's favorite colors. today they are used to say good- bye to a little girl. >> so difficult to explain that somebody she may have seen in school won't be there anymore. leila fowler was stabbed to death in her home saturday afternoon. her brother saw the suspect leaving the home and found his center. the california highway patrol has the streets blocks off while they search for evidence and a suspect. she lived in valley springs for 23 years and never seen anything like this. she snapped this photo of law enforcement looking for evidence. today flags mark where they were and where a killer might
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have been. >> don't have peace of mind except for the lord. >> reporter: she has this. >> heavy. it would protect me. >> reporter: that is a 357 magnum ready to fire. >> i want to make sure the clip was in it and loaded. >> reporter: she doesn't know if they found evidence in her yard but they are testing dna evidence and fielding tips. he told the sheriff's department he gave a ride to a hitchhiker and now wonders if he helped the suspect. >> something was wrong. he was -- blood everywhere. all over his arm. >> reporter: till a suspect is caught there are locked doors and prayers for a little girl. >> reporter: you can see this chp is still blocking off the road, at this end and around the corner at the other end. the sheriff's department says there is still an active search for evidence and the suspect.
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noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. police released a image of an suv that was seen in the area of a kidnapping last week. police say this vehicle was seen minutes before a man kidnapped a toddler. the man snatched the girl friday afternoon as she played in her yard. the mother ran after him and he dropped the girl. she was not hurt. investigators say the driver of the suv may have witnessed the incident. two sisters pleaded not guilty to charnels they a-- charges they abused incon. lida sharaf and nazila sharaf face multiple charges for swatting infant too tightly. the babies had trouble breathing and couldn't move. the sisters were freed on bail last week. they are do back in court june 5. support is pouring in for
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jason collins, the first pro u.s. athlete to announce that h jason collins wrote an essay for jodi for spry spry saying i am black and i am -- for sports illustrated saying i am black and i am gay. since the issue was revealed on the sports illustrated website several people shown their support including president obama and michelle obama and former president bill clinton and his formal classmate. chelsea clinton. it also has fellow athletes talking. >> i am not here to judge him or anyone else, what they do in their personal life i am a basketball player and i focus on basketball. >> very proud of him. very courageous thing he chose to do. >> the warriors president was
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the first executive to reveal he was gay. kobe bryant and kevin durant also offered their support today for jason collins. >> jason collins' announcement may break down one of the oldest barriers. ktvu's rob roth is live where some say by coming out of the closet he is offering a life line to young gay athletes. >> reporter: men reare calling -- many are calling jason collins courageous. >> reporter: the first family member jason collins told he was gay was his aunt who is a san francisco superior court judge. >> i always suspected and we were just talking and he acknowledged it and it was not earth shaking. >> reporter: many people say it
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is a big deal for young gays and lesbians people. it can help other at the others be-- others become more comfortable with who they are. >> it is important for there to be that feeling like it is okayb for me to be out and gay -- okay for me to be out and gay. >> reporter: she works with gays and lesbians youth. she says a third say they attempted suicide but jason collins can become a role model. >> you can be whoever you want to be and be gay. >> reporter: jason collins' coming out receives applause. >> for young people coming up who aspire to be like athletes it is tremendous. >> what jason is doing and i hope it will open the door for
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many others and i am very proud of him. >> reporter: many people say they expect other athletes to start coming out. reporting live in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. students and lawmakers celebrated today's news about jason collins at a rally for gays and lesbians rights in school. >> dozens of teens gathered in support of a bill that allows gender identity to determine which activity they participate in. the teens and adults there say jason collins' announcement is a huge step forward for the gays and lesbians community. organizers of bay to breakers announce security will be beefed up and back pans will be -- back pack will be banned and large containers will not
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be allowed and they are planning a moment of the silence to honor the victims of the boston marathon bombings. bay to breakers is set for may 19. patching up thousands of pot holes and only two months to get it done. which roads are getting a makeover. >> also curving bad behavior on bart, the plan to protect passengers. but coming up after the break. >> we need our security. >> the reason residents are worried their homes will become targets for criminals. look at 'em.
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living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. searchers recovered the body of a missing deputy. the such began after a fishing boat belonging to michael
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roberts was found near the vallejo municipal marina at 6:45 a.m. this morning. michael roberts is a 15 year veteran of the san francisco sheriff's department. michael roberts' cell phone and walt were found on board. -- wallet were found on board. residents in some of san francisco's roughest neighbors are about to lose a key security measure. ktvu's david stevenson is live in san francisco with the trade off residents say is too risky. david? >> reporter: they rely on iron gates, surveillance camera and police and security patrols to get their neighborhoods safe. >> i feel unsafe to have my mom walk across the street. >> the city's housing authority face as $6.4 million budget
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deficit. >> we get 92%, this year because of sequestration we are getting 77%. >> they say they are kitting private security -- cutting private security control by 70%. >> we need our security and they be doing a good job over -- a good job over here. >> reporter: she says private security officers will be shifted to evening hours, residents will monitor building traffic during the day time and they are looking to cut back on the $1 million it pays for extra police patrol. >> we are looking for relief with the payment for those services. >> reporter: they see hope in grants. >> we are doing everything we can to maintain the safety of the residents. but we have a lean budget. >> reporter: housing authority
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officials plan to talk to residents about the changes in security but in the mean time 15 management positions have been cut and more salaries could be slashed in the coming weeks as well. reporting live in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. public works crews in oakland spent the day smoothing out streets in a pot hole blitz. the project kicked off today. each week crews will tackle a new area. officials are focusing on high traffic areas and aren't just concerned with the comfort of drivers. >> our goal is to also provide smooth riding conditions conditions for vehicles and pedestrians and bicycles. >> they filled 2800 pot holes last year and this year they hope to fix 3,000. demonstrators gathered to protest an immigration audit that led to firing at a bakery.
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>> protesters say workers were fired after they held a silent raid. they examined the immigration status of employees, some who were in the u.s. illegally. >> they don't have any pay for their years of services. >> a spokesman said workers were paid in accordance with union contract said. the valley school board approved the design for the newest elementary school. that will be build near east branch parkway. plans for the school show two, two story classroom buildings, and a large play field. no word on a name for the school but it is expected to
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open in the fall of 2015. new ceo, he will take over as ceo in two weeks. he takes over as they try to find new ways to compete against big box stores and specialty stores. it is hot out there, especially inland. these are the official national weather service highs for monday. 91 in livermore. morgan hill, 91. 91 concord. 90 in santa rosa. san francisco 77. nice again tomorrow. maybe a degree or two off but it will be breezy tomorrow afternoon and that is prompted a red flag warning for the hills. highs tomorrow, temperatures are represented using colors. you know this. tomorrow 4:00 p.m., you will find temperatures in the 80s.
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couple low 90s. mostly in the 80s. the difference tomorrow is the winds are coming down the valley, through the canyons and concerns for strong winds and the red flag warning. the areas that get funneled winds, san ramon, sky line boulevard, strong winds. today sunny and warm. tomorrow looking for the winds to kick up as the low moves through. windy conditions. red flag warning and a wind advisory. forecast tomorrow, 83 in clear lake. 86 sonoma. 85 napa. 82 vallejo. east bay, 87 danville. 87 livermore. 87 pittsburg and 77 in alameda. valley, mid-80s in san jose. red flag warning is going to pick up mission peak and mount
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hamilton. hilly locations. hasn't rained in a while, right? dry winter. that is why we are seeing the red flag warning and the concerns. it is dry, not may dry, june dry. five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view, sunshine and warm and warmer still into thursday and saturday. the biggest concerns are for winds. worried about fire into the bay area weekend just because it is dry. real dry winter. >> be careful out there. >> exactly. see something, call 911. we have to watch out. >> heat is on. thank you. >> thank you. coming up on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36, nba player jason collins sparks a big announcement and how the video of his touchdown run went viral, join us for these stories and more on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36. no one can deny him, steph curry had a big night last night, the warriors point guard
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talks about his incredible show stopping 3rd quarter.
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make it your own with melty monterey cheddar or creamy ranch. and during april, the black forest ham is also a $3 six-inch select. subway. eat fresh.
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getting on bart may become more of a privilege rather than a right. they are implementing a new
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plan backed by a state law that bans passengers who committed a crime against other bart passengers and employees for 30 days to a year. the idea is to reduce the number of offenders and make the system safer. the crack down begins may six. >> mark is off, joe is here. the 3rd quarter by steph curry, unbelievable. >> doesn't get more exciting than that. they were underdogs and now it will be an upset if they don't advance. steph curry last night's game four win over the nuggets. he had 22 of his 31 points in the quarter. each more ridiculous than the one before it. six three-pointers on the night. took a 3-1 lead in the series which they could wrap up tomorrow night in denver. >> couple of them were deep
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that i just felt good taking them. thankfully it went down. you just try to have as much confidence in each shot that you take. >> for the 9th straight year the sharks are headed for the stanley cup playoffs. getting in a physical mood one day before they head to vancouver to begin the series on wednesday. when they met them in the playoffs it was two years ago and vancouver won that series due to the hit he put on joe thorton that separated his shoulder. he is a shark now so the fans, the guy you love to hate, is on your team. >> fans have been great. you know, this is a demanding
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arena and fan base. they want to win here. that is where i want to be. it is what it is now. i heard, you know, 6, 7 times, you know, good to have him here. >> and the great experiment is over in new york. tim tebow has been released by the jets after one season in which he threw just 8 passes and rushed 32 times. he was acquired in a trade by the broncos but never given playing time. a's and giants at it tonight and we will have it for you at 10:00 p.m. >> do you think someone will pick up tim tebow? raiders, 9ers? >> no. they both drafted quarterbacks. the team he was talked about is jacksonville, which is where he is from and they need a quarterback. >> cheer on the warriors. >> yeah. >> that was remarkable. steph curry was on fire. >> nice if they get it done in
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denver. good news is, then they are here. >> yeah. absolutely. >> that crowd loves it. so loud. thank you. >> take a look at this, flames consumed a home last night. at 10:00 p.m. how a drier could have started that fire, what you need to know to make sure your home isn't at risk. >> and thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. ñáçwçñ
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shop at chowhat is holland? captioning made possible by columbia tristar domestic television what do you mean, what is it? it's a country right next to belgium. no. that's the netherlands. holland is the netherlands. then who are the dutch? you know, i cannot stand this thing anymore. i know. i hate it, too. i feel like an out-of-work porn star. i told you we should have taken some kind of vacation. well, why didn't we? because you said this would be better. remember? "a vacation from ourselves." that's what you said. what if we grew muttonchops? no. buzz cuts? parachute pants?! stop it, george, stop it! i'm sorry. you've gotta get a job. damn it.


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